Since I started my YouTube channel when I was 13, one of my biggest dreams was to surpass 10 million views on a video. And thanks to all of you, I way surpassed that goal. Thank you so much for 11 million views on Wicked Game ❤️!
This project was especially personal to me because I had just as much to do with the visual as I did the audio. I had the great opportunity to work with Jet who allowed me to choose the location, style as well as direct and co-edit the final product. This was really my baby, so thank you for showing it so much love ❤️!
I have never been one to talk about accomplishments because my music has never been about success. To me, it’s about the connections I get to build through it. Still, I am so so grateful for this, and I wanted to share this moment with the people who made it possible: all of you.
Even beyond Wicked Game, your support has been incredible. About a year ago, I posted a photo with my total lifetime streams which was 20MM ( basically the total amount of streams I have across all platforms since the beginning of my career). It felt so crazy to me that 20 million people listened to my music. Because it is crazy!
But this year, I’ve more than DOUBLED that number, bringing my total lifetime streams to 40.1MM!! This is a huge number for me. It shows improvement and persistence to keep putting music out and work on my career despite what the last year came with. More than anything though it shows the abundant support I have received from my audience. My music reached over 100 countries this year because you all shared and responded and supported it!
20 million streams in one year is something I would have never dreamed of. My gratitude in 2021 is so full as always for YOU. And in 2021’m releasing my best music as a thank you. Thank you for allowing me to experience a grateful moment in my career, my appreciation for you is beyond what words can express ❤️ 🦋!
I’ve lost a lot of people who mean the world to me, and I know they watch over me every day because it is rare I go a day without seeing butterflies.
Before they passed, my great grandmother, Daisy, and both my grandmothers told me they would come back and visit me as butterflies. Recently, on a day of celebration that I wish they could have been there for, a whole family of butterflies started to fly all around me, unafraid of my presence. I believe it was them saying “hello, I love you, congratulations, and we are right there with you.”
I’m thankful for nature and intuition, I’m thankful for the universe, I’m thankful for the power of love, I’m thankful for butterflies 🦋.
Just a reminder that social media presents the best versions and best angles of people:) As someone who used to be in the modeling industry and knows what goes on behind the scenes, I didn’t like the picture it painted, or the expectation and pressure is put on women to look perfect. It’s why I chose to leave all that, my main source of exposure and income, behind for a chance to learn how to love myself and not be a part of an unrealistic narrative.
So here is my usual egg self 🥚
it doesn’t mean I will stop posting photos I like of myself at those angles I like, it just means I won’t claim to always be that girl 🌼🌼
What are some things you struggle with?
These are your truths for today🌼. I’ve struggled my whole life with becoming consumed by my struggles, my internal daily battles, and my mistakes. I’ve let them define me, and eventually, become me. To shed the skin of self-hatred is a daunting task, and sometimes almost feels unnatural. If you’ve sat in this state of being for a long time, it is more comfortable to remain than it is to evolve.
But as you begin taking the steps to evolve into your higher self, your happier self, your more self-fulfilled self, the world responds IMMENSELY. If you believe in manifestation, but you are not manifesting self-change, can you expect the world to change without you? Focus on yourself. It is not selfish to self-care if it means reaching your fullest potential. And as you work to reach your fullest potential, the universe and the ones you love most will send helping hands to guide you there 🌼🌼
“Human was written from the concept of my adult self talking to my child self, it’s a summary of the perspective I now have as an adult that I wish I had had as a child, that I hope to instill in my own child someday, and that I hope to remind others to remember. It is a unique gift to be human, every kind of human, it would be a shame to forget the simplicity of that in the midst of the pressure and expectation and judgment society asks us to focus on instead.”